Sep 12, 2013

Go bold or go home

Volim izazove. Da uklapam ono što se drugima čini nespojivo, da dokazujem da se u modnom svetu ne treba ničega plašiti  i da je potrebno eksperimentisati (rečenica koju ste verovatno čuli sto puta). U ovom postu mošete videti moj mali eksperiment zvani: Kako nositi sečene majice i kad nije leto. Omiljenu crop majicu uklapam sa uzanim farmerkama, kradem džemper od mame i obuvam nove leopard starkice da upotpunim kombinaciju. Voila! Spremna za svakodnevno kafedžisanje u gradu sa drugaricama i još par obaveza koje sam imala danas da obavim. 
Jel znate onaj osećaj kad jednu pesmu ne možete po ceo dan da izbacite iz glave? U mom slučaju to je ova pesma:  Poslušajte i uživajte! 

I really love chalenges. Combining something that is hard to combine, proving that in world of fashion you shouldn't be affraid of anything, and that you have to experiment (how many times have you heard this sentance?). In today's post you can see my little experiment called how to wear a crop t-shirt when it isn't summer time. Favorite crop, paired with skinny jeans, mom's cardigan and new leopard chucks. Voila! Ready for hanging out with my girls and for few obligations I had for today. 
Are you familiar with that feeling when you can't stop listening to a certain song? In my case it's this one: Listen and enjoy!

 In love with my new babies!

Morate probati novi malina sejk u Meku! / You must try new raspberry shake in McDonald's! 

Krop majica/ Crop t-shirt: Zara
Farmerke/ Jeans: Cycle
Dzemper & ogrlica/ Cardigan & necklace: No brand
Torba/ Bag: Michael Kors
Starke/ Chucks: Converse


  1. imamo istu zastitu za telefon :D
    patike su extra,zanima me gde su kupljene? :)

    1. Preslatka je maska! Hvalaaa, uzete su u Budimpesti u Converse-u :*

  2. Odlična kombinacija.

  3. Cool top & sneakers!

  4. crop top in winter! you do like a challenge!! this is an awesome outfit, i love the massive woolen knit, it looks great.

    1. Thanks, I'm happy to hear that you like the outfit! :)

  5. I love your bag!! xx

  6. Kombinacija je odlicna,posebno mi se svidjaju patikice i torba :)

    Pratim te :*
