Sep 23, 2013

Floral & leather

U današnjem postu se ponovo bavimo spajanjem dva različita stila. Bila sam protiv oba kada su se pojavila, a sada mi je orman pun cvetnih krpica, kao i kožnih. Kada sam kupovala suknju (poslednje pare - koje ne žalim trenutno) nije mi na pamet palo da ću je ovako lako kombinovati uz bukvalno sve. Svima je preporučujem za ovu sezonu! Kod mene nema ništa novo, uživam u poslednjim danima slobode i trudim se da ne verujem da faks kreće sledeće nedelje.
Ljubim vas puno 

Today's post is also about combining two different styles. I was against both of them when they first showed up, but now my closet is full of floral and leather stuff. When I was buying this skirt (last money- but I don't regret at all) it didn't occur to me that it's going to be this easy to pair it up with almost everything. I think that it's a MUST for this season! Nothing new in my life, I'm just enjoying last days of freedom, trying not to believe that faculty starts next week.
A .

I krenuli smo/ Off we go :)

Ukoliko vam se dopada moja nova ogrlica (ja sam oduševljena, hvala Mimadi) link stranice imate ispod slika.

If you like my new necklace (btw I am amazed by it, thanks to Mimada) you have a link to their page below.

Suknja/ Skirt: Pull & Bear
Majica/ Shirt: Pull & Bear
Jaknica/ Jacket: Zara
Štikle/ Heels: Miss 60
Ogrlica i natukvica/ Jewelry: Mimada Jewelry
Sat/ Watch: Jacques Lemans


  1. jaknica je prelepa :) sve pohvale :)

  2. Baš lepo uklopljeno! :D
