Oct 14, 2013

Fashion Killa

Ovaj post kačim u nenormalnoj gužvi, dok sušim kosu i u isto vreme smisljam sta ću obući za faks i pakujem stvari (jedno sasvim obično jutro u Andreinom životu). Ali naravno uspevam da se nekako izborim sa svim tim. Kao što smo primetili karirane košulje (i karirano kao print) su MUST za ovu sezonu i mislim da bi svaka devojka trebala da ima jedan komad odeće sa ovim dezenom. Nećete proći ulicom a da ne vidite nekoga kako šeta ponosno svoju novu, kariranu krpicu. Ja je u ovom postu uklapam sa Jack majicom, teksas šortsem i beanie kapicom za kojom sam odlepila čim sam je ugledala. Dodajem završne detalje i spremna sam za polazak. 

Post je inače inspirisan sledećom pesamom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6VfsJ7LAlE i nadam se da će vam se dopasti isto koliko i post. 
Vaša nenaspavana A.

I'm publishing this post while blow drying my hair, thinking of what I am going to wear today and preparing everything for the college (one regular morning in Andrea's life). But in the end I manage to take care of all tasks. So, you have surley noticed that plaid shirts (and plaid print in general) are MUST this season and you must have heard that every girl should have something with this print in her closet. Well, I could do nothing but agree with that. In this post you can see how I combine plaid shirt with my Jack cropped t-shirt, shorts and this cute beanie. Just few finishing details and I'm ready to go. 

Post is inspired by one of my fav songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6VfsJ7LAlE and I hope that you like it as much as this outfit. 
Your always sleepy A.

Majica/ Tshirt: Kupi Lux
Košulja/ Shirt: Abercrombie & Fitch
Šorts/ Shorts: Edc by Esprit
Čizme/ Boots: Gucci
Torba/ Bag: Tašnarija
Kapa/ Beanie: H&M
Naočare/ Sunglasses: Ray-ban
Sat/ Watch: Ice Watch

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