Oct 3, 2013

University: Chapter I

Povratak iz Madrida (u realnost). Polazak na fakultet, upoznavanje sa novim ljudima, navikavanje na novi sistem, zbunjenost, strah i stres. Pa na svu tu muku testovi za voznju, koje ne znam kako ću položiti (držite mi palčeve) - dodatni stres. Ali ubedjena sam da je to samo naporan period koji me je stigao nakon tromesečnog uživanja i potrebno je da se polako navikavam na obaveze. Pored celog haosa stižem da trkenm do grada na kratko da se vidim sa društvom i ispričamo prve utiske sa faksa. 
Ovu "dosadnu" krem crnu kombinaciju razbijam novim pink džemperom koji sam kupila u Madridu. Kada sam ga ugledala na ofingeru ovo je kombinacija koju sam u sekundi zamislila u glavi, ali i mali milion drugih koje ćete imati prilike da vidite na blogu. 
Do sledećih dogodovština, 


Coming back from Madrid (to reality). First day of university, meeting new people, getting used to new system, mixed feelings of confusion and fear, stress. And on top of all that a driving exam on Friday. Pretty sure you don't want to be in my shoes. But I think of it as one big obligation coming after three months of careless life. I manage to deal with all of it and go and see my friends, have lunch with them and chat about impressions from Madrid and first university days.
On this "boring" black and cream combination I add this beautiful pink sweater and everything is different. When I saw it hanging in the store, this is the combination that poped-up in my head and I knew that I must have it in my closet.
Till next post,

Focus on details:

Džemper (Sweater) - United Colors of Benetton
Pantalone (Jeans) - Tally Weijl
Jakna (Jacket) - Vintage
Ešarpa (Scarf) - Accessorize
Torba (Bag) - Michael Kors
Čizme (Boots) - Gucci
Narukvice (Bracelets) - Cruciani, Mimada
Prstenje (Rings) - H&M

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